Dermaptera - Insectduniya|Entomology - Wikipedia

Insectduniya|Entomology - Wikipedia

Entomology is the study of insects and their relationship to humans, the environment, and other organisms. Entomologists make great contributions to such diverse fields as agriculture, chemistry, biology, human/animal health, molecular science, criminology, and forensics



(Greek, derma = skin, pteron = wing)


Earwigs are elongate (7-50 mm long), rather flattened insects with well developed mandibles. The distinguishing characteristic of this order is the presence of forceps at the end of the abdomen. Forceps are used by earwigs in a threatening display when disturbed. However, they are harmless to humans and are only capable of producing a sharp pinch. The terminal forceps may be used to carry insect prey or may be used during mating to grasp the partner. Earwigs may or may not possess wings. Winged species have forewings modified into small, tough covers (the tegmina). The hind wings are membranous, semicircular and are folded in "fan" form under the tegmina. Compound eyes may be small, large or absent, and simple eyes (ocelli) are always absent.

Life Cycle

Earwigs display maternal activity. The mother guards the egg clutch and young offspring until they are able to fend for themselves. The nymphs  emerge from the eggs and resemble miniatures of the adults. Nymphs moult several times before reaching adult size and maturity.


Most species feed on dead plant material. However, some species attack living plants.


Few earwigs are of economic importance. In Australia, the introduced European earwig (Forficula auricularia) causes considerable damage to orchards and garden ornamentals where it destroys both fruit and flowers. Australia is remarkable in possessing a giant earwig, Titanolabis colossae, which occurs in rainforest litter and can be 4-5 cm in length.

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